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Title: Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)
Authors: Khan, Mohd Lateef (Scholar)
Bhat, Manzoor Ahmad (Guide)
Keywords: Iqtisaduna
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: Islam is a complete way of life. It aims at constructing the entire fabric of human life and culture on the firm foundation of ethical values and principles revealed by Almighty Allah for man‟s guidance. In the field of economics, it provides necessary guidelines, values and rules that aim at achieving the twin objectives of social justice and sustained increase in economic productivity. Islamic economic system is based on Quran and the Sunnah. Its central concern is overall prosperity of man, the wholesome and balanced growth of his personality. It prompts that Judicious and efficient management of resources is possible only when an Individual‟s total behaviour is designed within a proper ethical and moral framework. It further guides that a just society can be built only when the material and spiritual aspects of human activities are welded together.
URI: http://dspaces.uok.edu.in/jspui//handle/1/1142
Appears in Collections:Islamic Studies

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